So folks, the gastroscopy procedure today went smoothly and painlessly. The three hour session at the Gastroscopy Clinic was as relaxing as a day spa, I was feeling delightfully drowsy even before the anaesthetic was administered. The immediate, and I mean immediate, outcome is a tangible improvement in swallowing! I was able to eat a sandwich in the recovery room and experienced no pain as the food went down.
As well as the obvious reason of looking to see what was happening in my new stomach, Dr Ashton was able to perform a dilation at the junction of the stomach and the oesphagus, widening it from 12 to 15 mm. He took some samples and reported some ulceration in the area of scar tissue. He has prescribed the Proton Pump Inhibitor Pariet 20mg to bring acid reflux under control. He will see me for a follow up in about six weeks.
Tomorow I will have a follow up visit to Dr Burke after my bout of pneumonia. All symptoms of that have long gone, so I am confident of a good outcome there.
Peter, so good to hear that your health is on the mend. Look forward to sharing a meal with you in the near future.
Katrina and Greg
Thx for the email, Peter. We are so pleased you are free from the chemo grind. Enjoy your imminent trips and we hope to see you and Lynne later this year?!
Love Rachel & Kevin x
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