Canberra, Australia
Message from wife, Lynne Davis
Peter was discharged home from hospital on Thursday. He had kept food down for 2 days, and was back taking the trial drug as from breakfast on Thursday.
On Sunday evening I am pleased to note that Peter has now not vomited for 6 days in a row, which is a real breakthrough!! We noted that he was actually gaining weight again; something that hasn't happened for quite some time. We have now moved from one extreme to another, as the extra weight appears to be retained fluid. Last weekend Peter was hospitalised for extreme de-hydration and vomiting. This weekend, he is showing oedema, with swelling of his abdomen, legs, and feet which have puffed up and are now filled with fluid. Dehydration, vomiting, oedema, dry skin and insomnia can be side effects from the drug, or perhaps they would have been caused by the cancer without the drug? is difficult to have answers.
Peter is back into a pattern of insomnia, unable to sleep at night. Its lucky the world soccer competition is on in Sth Africa, with games live at night, as he is up in the living room and ready to enjoy them. We watched a very old Poirot movie on television at 3.00am this morning. I went back to bed afterwards - Peter at 6.00am and then he was up again at 8.30am. Peter is very tired, and has little energy, but has been enjoying doing crossword puzzles. We went for a very slow walk this morning to a nearby oval.
Tomorrow Peter will have been on the trial drug (which we believe he is getting, not the placebo) for a month. We go back to Canberra Hospital for a lengthy session when a series of tests will be done on him, and we will be asking how best to deal with the oedema and insomnia. Our best wishes to all blog followers!
A blog of my encounter firstly with gastro oesophageal cancer and later with cancer at the pyloric end of the stomach. Blog started 13 October 2007.