Lyndall drove me to the clinic this morning. Although I feel OK, the blood count figure was too low and the scheduled week three of the first cycle was cancelled 5-FU for the next seven days! Apparently this is nothing unusual. Next Wednesday, in seven days time, I will be seeing the medical oncologist, Dr Desmond Yip, who will review progress and condition. If all is well I will then embark on Cycle 2 of the chemo.
It was a busy day at the Zita Mary clinic; most of the places were filled. That is nurse James striding towards the camera in a businesslike way, a doctor to his right and nurses Marg and Noel in background behind his left shoulder. The whole place has a friendly relaxed atmosphere; it is easy to make friends there! A hospital lunch usually turns up about midday for those who want something; there is tea, coffee and usually cake on offer from the kitchen. From the clinic bookcase I borrowed the book 'Eat to beat cancer' by R. Daniel and J. Sen; Thorsons 2003 ISBN 000714704X . It is a guide to healthy vegetarian or vegan food, cooking and recipes [which specifically counsels against tea, coffee and cake!!!].
I still have bad blisters [big blisters!!] under the ball of each foot, a nasty looking collection of red blothches above my left big toe and generally a skin tone that is darkening and showing up all kinds of blotches, sunspots etc [the 5-FU drug apparently will attack any latent skin cancers or precancerous cells, hence the darkening]
Hi, what does it mean when your blood count is too low? Do they mean not enough white blood cells?
Hi Jules, I believe that it means low white blood cell count, but I will check. Next Tuesday when I get the next blood tests done they will include a FBC [Full Blood Count], EUC, LFT, LDH and CPM.
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