A blog of my encounter firstly with gastro oesophageal cancer and later with cancer at the pyloric end of the stomach. Blog started 13 October 2007.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ILO +21d

Well folks, it is now three weeks to the day since the Ivor Lewis surgery [ILO]. Weight 80.5kg. Feeling rather fatigued, but manage a walk each morning of about 1 hour. Lots of messages of support via the EC discussion group at ACOR.
Eating and keeping food down is a problem. My taste and smell senses seem hypersensitive. My appetite is much reduced and I just have a cup of food at each sitting. I am drinking Coopers Best Extra Stout to try and keep on some calories. My chest feels as though a shotgun has been fired into it and all the lead pellets are still lodged behind my ribcage. I am off all medication. Sleep is not comfortable. Lynne continues to give me the fullest possible love and support. Tomorrow I see the oncologist.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter, its great to see you looking much better and wandering around the neighbourhood. The wedding photos are wonderful.
Katrina and Greg

Blog Archive

Peter and Lyndall at Cape Schanck, Victoria, June 2007

Peter and Lyndall at Cape Schanck, Victoria, June 2007