Hello readers, as you may know I subscibe to the ACOR EC group discussion list. This is a post I made to the group just a short while ago.
Post to ACOR EC list
Greetings all; we are all struggling with disease in our digestive system. This ACOR [Association of Online Cancer Resources] group focuses on the esophagus and stomach, which we know is just part of the 7 metre long tube from our mouth to our anus. Many of us would have seen drawings and diagrams supplied by doctors, specialists and drug companies. We also would have seen scans and medical images.
None of these can compare with the sheer drama and wonder of seeing a human body disected, opened up, laid out and explained. This is exactly what has just been aired on SBS TV here in Australia as part of the series 'Anatomy for beginners'
The preserved body of a woman who donated her mortal remains to the advancement of medical knowledge was duly cut open from mouth to anus in front of a live audience during the course of the one hour program. Expert commentary was given by the anatomist and a doctor.
The entire episode is currently on the SBS TV website at http://tinyurl.com/288po49. I commend it for your viewing.The oesophagus gets a goood mention!!!
Canberra, Australia snusher@gmail.com
A blog of my encounter firstly with gastro oesophageal cancer and later with cancer at the pyloric end of the stomach. Blog started 13 October 2007.