A blog of my encounter firstly with gastro oesophageal cancer and later with cancer at the pyloric end of the stomach. Blog started 13 October 2007.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Smoother Sailing

Message from Lynne

Good news to report today! Peter has been in the National Capital Private Hospital since Thursday afternoon. He has started on food very gradually, and has now had 2 days when he has not vomited and brought food back. After 3 weeks of vomiting almost every single day, this is an encouraging sign. He is moving into soft foods and breakfast this morning was porridge and scrambed eggs with his coffee. Dr Thomson has been checking on progress twice a day. If this continues, Peter may be able to be discharged later on in the long weekend.

Thanks for all your support! Sister Rebecca from Sydney plans to come and spent next weekend with us. We may even have a new bathroom to use and admire by then. The wall tiles are being grouted by the tiler today, plumber Tues, plasterer Wed, builder for fittings Thurs, if all goes to plan.

Peter is looking thin, but goes for walks around the 3rd level, and we went across to Canberra Hospital across the road yesterday for a coffee. Walking and running have always been such a big part of Peter's life - the Canberra Times Fun Run most years, until the past year, Friday runs with the Customs joggers, Fun Runs, a couple of marathons, and walking all the roads and trails of Canberra that he so loves.

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Blog Archive

Peter and Lyndall at Cape Schanck, Victoria, June 2007

Peter and Lyndall at Cape Schanck, Victoria, June 2007